Why Plants?


"In the spring, at the end of each day. You should smell like dirt." - Margaret Atwood

Where did this plant obsession come from? To be honest, I think I’ve been seeking out plants my whole life. Being outside in nature has always soothed my soul, my heart, and my brain. Why wouldn’t I want to bring that feeling indoors with me?

It wasn’t til I moved to Charleston, SC in the summer of 2013 that I truly felt I had a deep connection with the nature around me. Walking the winding, salty, marshy trails. Always finding my way to the water, always finding a hidden beach or new plant life. I took a Sustainable Agriculture course in 2017, and haven’t gone a day without digging in the dirt since.

I believe that anyone can be a Crazy Plant Lady or Plant Dad. You don’t need to have outdoor space, special talents, or tons of cash. I hope to educate people and provide the best plants, plant care, and workshops to help people along their journey to becoming a Plant Parent.


"I could put a plant in this."

-Amy Gangi